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Isnin, 3 Mei 2010

who is our enemy?

Dear bloggie, now I’m trying to improve my English.. So, I take this opportunity to preach you also myself for our reminder. And I’m so sorry if my language weak

        Firstly, be grateful to Allah that we’ve been given strength by Allah. With that we become more convince of ourselves, hence, our religious commitments for the Islamic teachings become stronger. This is the biggest assistance which has been given by Allah to His good and obedience servants.

        However, we should be cautious against our surrounding enemies which surely would like to shake our strength and conviction.
Our enemies as well are:

      I.      Carnal desires
  II.      Satan
III.      Humans

According the book of ‘ISLAM IS SIMPLE’, “The natural inclination of humans, as implanted by Allah, is for the carnal desire. It would always influence human being to commit various destruction or evils. Therefore, Allah has required us to confront and subdue the urge of destructive desires. Beware, that only those who possessed strength as well as strong conviction would be able to fight-off all the urges of evil passions. Hence, use our sound mind and tranquility of soul as the best solution to obtain success in this world and the Hereafter. Satan is the enemy of Allah and the enemy of mankind. Satan will always strive to deceive and mislead mankind. Satan has acted rebelliously against all the commandments of Allah. Allah says

        “Behold! We said to the angels, “Bow down to Adam”, they bowed down except Iblis. He was one of the Jinns and he broke the command of his Lord”.
(The cave: 50)

Pertamanya, marilah kita panjatkan setinggi-tinggi kesyukuran kita kepada Allah yang telah memberi kita kekuatan. Dengan itu kita akan menjadi bertambah yakin dengan diri kita sendiri, oleh itu, komitmen agama kita dalam pengajaran Islam bertambah kuat. Ini adalah pertolongan/anugerah Allah teragong supaya hambanya bertakwa dan patuh..
Bagaimanapon kita mestilah mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga terhadap musuh di sekeliling kita yang mana sudah pasti mengganggu/menggoncang keyakinan kita.

Musuh kita antaranya :
                  I.      Nafsu
              II.      Syaitan
           III.      Manusia

Moga artikal ini membawa kita kepada kesedaran bahawa syaitan bukan berdiam diri, malah berusaha menyesatkan kita supaya menjadi menemankan mereka di NERAKA..sama-sama kita renungkan wahai sahabat!

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